2 definitions by meanbone

A name brand for a "bath salt" used for recrecreational drug use that mimics the effects of cocaine, ecstasy and methamphetamine. Usually snorted but sometimes smoked, vaporized,administered intravenously or even eaten. It is currently legal in some states. It can be purchased in 250 mg. packs at local smoke shops, gas stations and corner stores for $10 - $20 per pack. Does not show up in standard drug screens.
He man lets go to the store to get some Cloud 9 ..I need a hit. I ran out of blow... dat shit is da bomb !
by meanbone March 25, 2011
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Is a woman that stays intoxicated daily, and smells of liquor.
Man this trick drinks to much and she smells of liquor. Dude she ain't nuttin but a damn old rum hound.
by meanbone March 26, 2011
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