3 definitions by mdub-ya

Like a Stenogropher who types silently in a court room, a textogropher is always around the corner somewhere carying on in a silent conversation on their phone.
He was like "whoa", and I was like " totally", then he said "u r so d.u.m." then I was like "huh?"
Jane shut the fuck up, you're such a textogropher.
by mdub-ya May 13, 2008
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Nickname for the less commonly known MRSA. A medically resistant strain of staff infection.
person 1 -OMG, I heard you have a bunch of mercado floating around your place.
person 2 -Yeah it's just some flesh eatin bacteria, that anti-biotics can not cure but it will work itself out.
by mdub-ya May 13, 2008
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Ideas that only morons can find reason in.
Ted says " two plus three equals ten" I say "Ted stop using morlogic and learn to count"
by mdub-ya May 13, 2008
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