262 definitions by max

A game by which two contestants compete against each other to see who can upload the most urinal cakes into the other contestants anus.When each contestant is filled, each then consumes large amounts of Senecot laxatives. The first person to release all the cakes wins.
My ass is massive after that game of "Fisher"
by max April 13, 2005
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A blood trait formed from an infection found in the urinary tracts of homosexual men who like rimming.This nasty disease can turn the carrier into a serial cum master,and can cause severe behavioural changes such as beastiality, necrophilia and masturbating in shoes.
I had "Fisher" now i'm married to a homosexual binman
by max April 13, 2005
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The act of slitting one's throat and pulling the esophagus through the opening creating.
if that guy keeps talking smack, I'm going to give him a columbian necktie for his birthday
by max October 15, 2003
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A man who loves his cars more than women. Autophilia is the innevitable outcome of a man's realization that cars are more reliable, cheaper, and often more attractive than women.
"He spent all of his time in the garage because he was really a closet autophile."
by max February 25, 2005
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adj. 1a. of, or relating to the sloth, esp. in its slow and apathetic behavior
Pevin Lekay has a slothful attitude toward religion.
by max December 8, 2004
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The phenomenon of miscommunication at work that occurs when information is passed from a subordinate to a superior, then to the superior's superior, and so on.
I told my boss that we need new filing cabinets, but thanks to green shift, the CEO ordered us new chairs.
by max January 23, 2009
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The file sharing program of your dreams, shut down by the RIAA in 2002. It was everything that kazaa isn't. Small, convenient, and you could find absolutely ANYTHING on it. If a song was recorded somewhere, you could get it on AG. Many former AG users have gone to soulseek.
by max August 5, 2003
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