104 definitions by martin

Land of milk and honey. Capital is Hanham (otherwise known as Ebayebay land)
That ginger bloke called Chris was from Shireshire.
by martin December 11, 2004
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A reply to a good suggestion, an agreement
"Do you like chicken wings?"
"I fully endorse that product."


P1 lights up cigarette
P2: "I fully endorse that product." also lights up

Also can be used in the negative. i.e: "I do NOT fully endorse THAT product."
by martin December 30, 2005
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A program that reads a file written in the assembly language and translate it into a binary representation of the corresponding machine instructions.

section .text
global _start

msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa
len equ $ - msg

mov edx,len
mov ecx,msg
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
mov eax,1
int 0x80
by martin August 1, 2004
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An methodology for writing ineffective computer software that, although it probably cost the user anything, doesn't work.

Is a varient on open source software. See also 'cowboy'
It doesn't work. I bought it from Goldenhill.
by martin September 30, 2003
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Hunky, studly; like a high school football player. Looking like Mark Wahlberg in the era of his Calvin Klein ads. Sometimes it also implies someone that is not too bright (as in the case of most jocks). Usually used to describe someone younger, really fit older guys are, well, just really fit older guys.
“Shelly, did you see that guy at the other end of the dance floor? Ohmygod, he is so totally marky mark. I’d like to feel HIS vibration.”
by martin December 31, 2004
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A guy that likes to harass little freshmen girls and get absolutly nothing from them and he thinks he has so much game.Blue balls!!
by martin April 2, 2003
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