2 definitions by madmike001

(noun) An acute or chronic condition symptomized by the inability to recall the location of one's stash.
Larry: How was that Northern Lights blunt I gave you for your birthday?

Michael (sheepishly): I know it's here somewhere ...but I can't find it. Maybe Carol threw it out.

Larry: You IDIOT! You've got Stasheimer's!
by madmike001 December 22, 2009
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(noun, proper noun) an overbearing mother; a mother who is a helicopter parent.
related: grandsmother; great-grandsmother; smother-in-law
Ben: Smother called me at 1:30 in the morning to make sure I made it home.

Billy: You forgot to call her when you got home? She had to assume you were dead in a ditch somewhere.
by madmike001 October 2, 2009
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