27 definitions by macadaciouse

Offensive term for a person of Irish or Scottish descent. Intended to mock the common Mc- or Mac- prefix on their names. Used by anyone without a Scottish/Irish accent or at least red hair will result in an ass beating.
Put down that whisky you filthy drunken Mic!

Ach, yew kin take oor freedom, but yew kin never take oor Scotch! Ne'er troi to take th' alkohool o' a Mic!
by macadaciouse June 15, 2004
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One who is afraid of the homeless.

See, "hobosexual"
They say that if you're homophobic, you're secretly homosexual. I'm afraid of homeless people, and am pursuing a career in acting...
by macadaciouse June 10, 2004
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The biggest test of manhood in the world. 12 days of backpacking in the New Mexico highlands, anywhere from 70-90 miles among 12 thousand foot mountains. Their trademark is big manly 12 inch body armor belt buckles.
Find a big tough guy, and look at his belt. THAT, my friend, is Philmont.
by macadaciouse July 14, 2004
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Somewhere between a flirt and a perv, a lecher is both better looking than a perv and slightly more blunt/less deceptivly sensitive than a flirt. To see what is meant by deceptively sensitive, see, "10 things you don't know about men."
Non-sexually oppressed men from the ages of 15-23.

NOTE: NO inuyasha references.
by macadaciouse September 9, 2004
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a) Diet CocaCola
b) Artificial sweetener snorted by dumb diet-crazed blondes.
The coke in the silver can.

What that dumb chick in math has on her nose.
by macadaciouse May 6, 2004
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Origonally an outkast song, it is now the standard theme music for VH1 clips of celebrities. Very nice if you have CD Walkman speakers and you're moving in for the kill on some blonde.
By outkast, watch VH1 for a few hours to catch it. You'll know it when you hear it.
by macadaciouse May 12, 2004
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