262 definitions by maX

An alternate term for Emo. Thus adding the effect of "core" on to it for a better, less "emo" sound of name.
Kid 1: Hahaha. You are Emo!
Kid 2: No, I'm not I'm pimpcore (pXe)

Kid 1: That's just another word for emo!
Kid 2: Yeah I know......
by maX February 26, 2005
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1. The act of defacating on Ann Coulter.

2. Any activity that is definetly disgusting, yet strangely satisfying.
As I doaced on the psychotic right-wing columnist's helpless pretty face, I felt generations of social injustice just melt away.
by maX December 12, 2004
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Brian (Greham Chapman):
I'm not a Roman, Mum!
And I never will be!
I'm a kike, a Yid, a hebe, a hooknose!
by maX August 9, 2004
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coolest person i know, kind and sweet and so beautiful. can't stand to be without her. seems like the only girl that really gets me. love spending time with her, and hanging out and talking and laughing with her.
Ali is very kuhel, i love her to death.
by maX January 8, 2005
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Type of Rims. Real name is Rota Slipstreams. Rota is the brand and Slipstream is the spesific style. Most commonly put on imports, like the Acura Integra.
Yo, check out those rims!! I think they're Rota Slips!!
by maX June 7, 2007
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Shpadoinkle is an interjection used by burley construction workers and japanese physisists alike! Similar to donkeywaffle. If you say 'Shpadoinkle,' you can be cool too!
Holy shpadoinkle! My scrotum just imploded!

I'm doing just spadoinkle, you?
by maX May 4, 2004
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The best comic strip in the world, even better than Calvin and Hobbes.
Get Fuzzy rocks the house.
by maX December 12, 2003
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