5 definitions by luser

Acronym. "Hope that helps." or "Happy to help."
The URL is .com not .net. HTH.
by luser November 21, 2002
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The greatest producers, rappers and musicians that no one's heard of.
BSP rules.
by luser March 26, 2004
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Noone here will get your girlfriend's password for you. DYOFDW.
by luser November 21, 2002
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Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's
the Worker kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are
you looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl."
I say, "Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick. Everybody knows
where the burrow owl lives. In a hole. In the ground. Why the hell do you
think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"
by luser November 21, 2002
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