190 definitions by luke

The act of fucking enormous hidious looking girls either in the butt or in their smelly pink taco stands, thereafter giving them the play action fake.
While listening to his will smith cd, MIKE FORD walked in on his roomate giving the bartoe. He immedialy left the room with a smile on his face and a buldge in his pants. SICK FUCK!!!!!
by luke February 16, 2005
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1.(dictionary)A vendor of bouglash
2.A school (or any building of mass congregation) with many ugly people. Often used to express the sheer quantities of bouglash present in that particular building.
"That school is such a bouglasherie"
"I know, how can the ugly ratio be so unbalanced there?"
by luke December 3, 2004
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tarah: good bye. Often used by people in the north of England.
by luke July 28, 2004
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Um anyone who wrote a definition is a fuckign idiot because Eliot smith is not a real person. However Elliott Smith is the best artist of our time. You can also call him Steve Smith if u want to get technical
by luke January 11, 2005
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"It is advisable to avoid spides as they can get quite aggressive when confronted with reason. " never have truer words been spoken. what they also should have said is "millies fuck anything with a pulse and an adidas watch".

millies are the female spide. spides are like the chavs in Northern ireland. utterly pathetic, travelling in large groups to make sure they dont get "bate" usually living life on the dole, and the worst part, picking fights with random people for no other reason than you are there. Racist,sectarian,pathetic... the scum of the Earth and the bottom of the barrel in the evolutionary ladder.
spides make sure they say "fock" and "leek" in every sentence.
by luke March 8, 2005
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A person of poor financial status with a cardboard house and two sets of clothes, this person often attempts to ask/beg for money of the public, and noted by his old and tattered clothing.
"omg look at those kessy shoes" "stop being such a kess" "he picked that off the floor, what a kess"
by luke March 18, 2005
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-Word Up
"That was a phat shot, yo!"

"I E"
by luke December 10, 2003
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