62 definitions by loki

Meaning sweet or kick ass.- often used when something crazy occurs. when said it is proper to give your friend props
by loki July 29, 2003
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1: An affectionate name for someone you love.

2: Something that a ghost says.

3: The short version of my cat's name, Boo-Boo.

1: I like cuddling with my boo.

2: BOO!

3. "Boo, get out of the dishwasher!"
by loki August 25, 2003
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Something where companies post colorful, bright, annoying advertisements to distract you while you're driving or watching a game.
Oh great, I missed the second inning because of that stupid flashing Coke billboard!

Sorry, Officer, I wasn't watching the light, I was checking out the sexy Victoria's Secret billboard.
by loki July 3, 2003
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when recieving oral sex, just after ejaculating in the girls mouth, you grab her by the sides of her head and shake vigorously until it foams/runs out of her nose
wagga wagga wagga wagga
by loki December 21, 2004
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A Russian anomaly. Like Jesus, did unexplainable things, except that Rasputin was evil.
They didn't just stab, shoot, burn, and kick him, they also poisoned him and drowned him, and yeah, he was still somewhat alive.
by loki July 3, 2003
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An exception to a rule, an irregularity.
Hey, that virgin cheerleader is a real anomaly.
by loki July 3, 2003
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The art of hitting someone with any nearby object, animal or person.
Came about due to lack of professional weapons in ghettos or slums, thereby requiring for the assailant to use any available object.
Penny backtalked me at the carnival yesterday, so i picked up a midget and ghetto smacked that bitch back to Beirut.
by loki March 27, 2005
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