3 definitions by lil dookie stain

A Small School outside of Cincinnati where everyone has sex with their sister, mom, and cousin. The natural culture there is to have double cheeked long cut upper deckers at all times as well as drinking and other red neck activities. There are also many racists and white supremacists ties to the school and it is notorious for throwing around the {N-Word because they can.
I just visited Reading High School and it was a wild ride, I thought that I was in the middle of nowhere.
by lil dookie stain December 4, 2017
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When you end a relationship and have to give up a few items of interest, ranging from spoons and knives, to a whole fucking house.
Friend 1: I'm sorry to hear about you and (insert name)
Friend 2: yeah, the severance package I gave them was pretty big too
by lil dookie stain February 9, 2018
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When you're so high (or clapped ) that you can no longer feel your head.
Friend 1: *takes a massive bong rip*
Friend 2: yo, I'm fuckin Declapitated
by lil dookie stain November 6, 2020
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