1 definition by left of the western crater

A particular brand of stupid that can only be achieved by consistently ignoring all good advice and continuing to make a fool of yourself only to cry foul when people point and laugh, or by recipe as follows:

1 cup dumbass.
½ cup big mouth.
6 heaping tablespoons of naivety.
1 cube of misplaced trust.
A healthy dose of moral indignation.
A dash of really bad memory.
Martyr to taste.

Bake 5 to 10 minutes at roasting temperature until steam starts to emit from side vents. Sliced warm and served ala mode, this recipe makes plenty of Moeron for any size crowd.
Any number of people have tried to help the Moeron, but she is oblivious concerning the truth.

The Moeron may be playing nice with all the men, but everyone is on to her tricks.

That Moeron just never knows when to shut up.

I could come up with these all day, but the Moeron would never get the punchline.
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