4 definitions by lalaking

A very suspicious and interesting looking conglomeration of matter that often turns out to be better than expected. Often referred to in the context of food but can also be used to explain things or events.
I went to his house for dinner. I had no idea what was on my plate; just a huge mess of asian rat candy stew or something.

In reference to a business presentation:
"Dude! I just killed that! I wasn't expecting it to be such a a buffet of asian rat candy success."
by lalaking January 20, 2015
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The art of creating a masterpiece with stray hairs on the shower wall.
Sandy was pissed her roommate was taking so long to shower but when she saw the beautiful "Happy Birthday" Fabio Art on the wall she knew she couldn't be mad anymore.
by lalaking January 20, 2015
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When you and your friend notice an attractive person at the same time and therefore must battle over who gets to introduce them self first. Usually occurs at party, bar, or similar scene where you are trying to pick up a babe (male or female).

Rules of Simultaneous Zisk:

1) When you both see the hottie, make eye contact with the other and yell "Zisk!" at each other. This initiates the game.

2) First person to smack the nearest door hinge wins.

3) Winner gets ten minutes to engage the hottie with no interruptions. Loser may intervene if after the ten minutes the hottie seems uninterested.
"Why are you standing so close the door? You're kind of in the way."

"Sorry I'm expecting Betty and I have to have a good position for Simultaneous Zisk. I just know Jordan is going to try an say he say her first."
by lalaking January 20, 2015
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An extremely attractive Aussie, usually male, studying in the US. Specifically an Australian who knows how to work their attractive accent to their advantage in social situations that will most likely lead to sexual situations.
Lesile: "Morgan, where are you going out tonight?"
Morgan: "Wherever that blond Cappersnack is!"
Leslie: "Again?? You've been stalking him for the entire semester, give it a break!"
Morgan: "I simple cannot. I'd like to think I'm not a Cappersnack whore, but god damn it every time he says my name I fall in love all over again."

Frat Boy: Don't let any damn Cappersnacks in the house tonight. Every time they come we don't get any!
by lalaking January 20, 2015
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