4 definitions by kristalskulls

A person that was born AND raised in the City (not the County) of Los Angeles. Rare, special, and mystical like a unicorn.
Them: “Where are you from?”
L.A. Unicorn: “I’m born and raised in L.A.”

Them: “Oh, s***! You’re an L.A. unicorn! I didn’t think anyone was actually “from” L.A. “
by kristalskulls December 3, 2021
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If your pet is laying on you, next to you or anywhere that would disturb them if you got up, you are not allowed to. It is the Paw Law.
Dude: “Hey, come here to the kitchen.”

Chick: “I can’t!”
Dude: “Why not?!”

Chick: “The kitten is sleeping on me. I’m not allowed to get up. It’s the Paw Law.”
by kristalskulls January 20, 2022
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When you’re wearing eyeglasses instead of contacts.
Ugh, I ran out of contacts! Guess I’ll have to be in nerd mode and wear my glasses.
by kristalskulls January 23, 2022
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When you’re grumpy AF and just want to mope.
Dude: “I don’t wanna go. I’m cranky.”

Chick: “Wow, you’re being a Grump Lump.”
by kristalskulls January 27, 2022
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