4 definitions by koobine

The opposite of ☺; the black guy
The people who were designing the ALT codes figured that it would be racist not to include an inverted ☺, so they made one for black people. And ☻ was born.
by koobine June 10, 2016
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An Asian penis that's just about to ejaculate.
Tyrone: Yo how was last night you give Isabella that creampie?

Dingbang: Not exactly,

Tyrone: Well did she eat the shit out of your cock?

Dingbang: You can shit from your dingus!?

Tyrone: Nigga i'm out

Dingbang: K, well, she did eat my Twinkie.
by koobine June 8, 2016
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Just like an "O", but with its goddamn mothercocking dick hanging out.
O was always jealous of his twin, Q. He always seems to get all the girls.
by koobine April 16, 2016
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The indigenous people of North America who were sweethearts to the European motherfuckers, but got their asses kicked anyway.
The First Nations were brave and willing to do anything to fight for their land but they ended all getting killed because their European allies were pussies and ran away.
by koobine June 10, 2016
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