5 definitions by kmqewadfenqbhvt4jkcij shu

The most popular restaurant in the world run by Gordon Ramsay. The restaurant is very popular and it’s most popular item is bowls of lamb sauce. You will experience wonderful sounds when dining there. Those sounds being Gordon Ramsay swearing at his employees and under paying them(basically how Mcdonalds treat their staff).at McEvans you can always expect paying Elon musks net worth for an idiot sandwich as the ingredients are high quality and very expensive also because their motto is “Always less for more”.Overall it is the best dining experience with -3 Michelin stars, they are constantly looking for new workers with 0 experience as people who burn food always get promoted as long as ur fine with getting paid as much as your local homeless person(no offense). With a astounding rating of -3 Michelin stars and affordable prices what are you waiting for get out your wallet and start your journey to become bankrupt by ordering 2 slices of bread. OPEN NOW McEvans!
McEvans is a wonderful restaurant with affordable prices
by kmqewadfenqbhvt4jkcij shu July 12, 2022
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A man who is either A, 42 or B a water bottle stealing seal.
Person 1: Yo today I met Valtazar
Person 2: Which one
Person 3: The 42 year old water bottle
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A big dead ugly lion that was murdered 20 days after birth with an stupid dumb meat tongue
Person 1: Oh you know that lion named Henry?
Person 2: The one who died?
Person 4: I should take my knife out of Henry’s stomach but I won’t cause I am henryphobic yay!
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