1 definition by justagirlwithfeelings

Virgo is always said to mean "perfectionist" and pure, and clean. Yes, that can be true in some cases. Usually being a perfectionist for a Virgo means more about love life, a Virgo may never have kissed anyone or dated anyone before late into their teenage years, not because they aren't liked, but because they are scared but also they need to really, and I mean really like and have a connection with that person. They are always positive and always feel judged, but they don't let it get to them. They try not to judge others rather than observe who they are and understand others. They try to keep others in a positive mood. Finding a loved one for a Virgo is hard, they probably have many crushes but find it hard to talk to them because they don't want to ruin their chances. Virgo is most likely loved by all, if they aren't its probably because of others can't cope with the fact that Virgos are actually that kind and innocent. If I were you, i'd go talk to a Virgo, let them know how you feel, ya never know, they may feel the same way...
"Virgo girl- ahg I really like that guy but I'm too scared to talk to him, he probably hates me
(a few days later)
guy - hey... I like you...
virgo girl- really?!!... I like you too!"
by justagirlwithfeelings November 8, 2017
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