5 definitions by just4titsNjiggles

An innocent phrase full of unintended innuendos.
I got new mounting brackets and insulation for my hot water pipes to keep them lifted and separated so they don't rub together and bang all night. I'm going to sleep so much better now with my plumbing properly mounted! Whoops, that was an unintenuendo.

(see Sexually Oblivious Female meme)
Unintenuendos provide great opportunities to say, "that's what she said!"
by just4titsNjiggles January 13, 2021
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To attempt to pass an opposing walker by changing alignment and stepping to one side, but with the result that both walkers end up moving in the same direction, awkwardly shuffling to avoid each other.
See also: sidewalk shuffle
Don't you love it when you walk down a sidewalk and speculambulate with a total stranger until you both bust out laughing?
by just4titsNjiggles September 9, 2018
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A completely self-absorbed person who, instead of commemorating the dearly departed in a speech at a memorial service, seizes the opportunity to brag about themselves in front of the mourners.
Cousin Dickey's eulogy barely mentioned dear Great Aunt Phyllis at all! He just spent 20 minutes talking about his being quadrilingual and how he was her favorite. What a eulojerkoff!
by just4titsNjiggles May 13, 2018
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A person who is grumpy and bundled up due to illness or other ailment.
I know you've got the flu and you're on your period, but you sure do make an adorable fusslump!
by just4titsNjiggles March 9, 2021
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(verb) to squirm and wriggle until one becomes more comfortable.
He sat down in his chair by the firplace and squidgled after coming in out of the snow storm.
by just4titsNjiggles July 3, 2022
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