85 definitions by jsd9632

Is Spanish for lick or to lick. Generally used as a derogatory description of a boot or ass licker.

A company man.
A student who brown noses the teacher.
A dick licker.
A butt licker.
You want a promotion? Go Lambe the boss for a while, you'll get it.
by jsd9632 May 29, 2011
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Something sometimes said by accident when a young male is visiting the home of a friend and is attracted to the host's mother.
Something said in jest when the host's mother is less than attractive.
Teenage boy: "Dude! Your mom's hot!"
Other teen boy: "Dude! That's my mom!"
Teenage boy: "Yeah dude! And she's still hot!"
Another teen boy: "She's momalicious!"
by jsd9632 January 31, 2012
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In the movies when a bad person sacrifices himself to save others it is said that he has purchased his ticket to heaven.

The last minute self sacrifice to protect an innocent from an untimely death with no hesitation or concern for your own well being is to earn a ticket to heaven.
The bad guy took a bullet to save the girl thus buying his ticket to heaven.
by jsd9632 February 13, 2012
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A line in the Clint Eastwood movie High Plains Drifter.
The outlaw comes back to town to claim his girlfriend and get
even with the town for having to go to jail. When he learns his
girlfriend had a new bed partner during his absence he confronts her. She claims to have been true and crying for him.
He comes back with "Yeah you were crying, lieing in his bed humping and crying, humping and a crying."
Bob: "Dude I heard you've been banging Dave's girl while he's been gone!"
Sam: "Yeah she still misses him, she lays in my bed humping and crying."
by jsd9632 December 31, 2013
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An insult launched at someone to destroy their illusion that some place is great.
An assessment of a place of business that you visit on a back way road trip.
Your first thought at the sight of:
A low cost motel room.
A nasty eatery.
A greasy, dusty gas station with expired snack food and a gross restroom.
A line made famous by Bette Davis in the 1949 movie Beyond the Forest co-starring Joseph Cotten.
I can't believe you chose this crappy motel for our wedding night, what a dump!
by jsd9632 February 7, 2012
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A male with barely enough brain function to pump blood to keep his penis alive.
A means of transportation for an erection .
A very stupid male who's only reason for existing is to knock up bimbos.
A porn actor.
Kevin Federline.
Sally: " Did you hear? Susie got knocked up!"
Betty: " Which one of her brain dead dick life support boyfriends did it?"
Sally: " The one that looks like Kfed."
Betty: " It is amazing he can muster the brain power to get an erection."
by jsd9632 January 7, 2012
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When two unrelated under 18 girls who are very close friends
dress alike in a slutty manner.
Wearing matching barbie pink heels and outfits.
Sometimes referred to as Barbie twins.
Matching prick teases who pretend they don't understand why the boys are hot for them.
Horny high school boy: "Dude check out Sharon and LeAnn!
They are so hot in their matching outfits!"
Other horny high school boy: "I just love Barbie bookends. I
want to do LeAnn so bad!"
Another horny high school boy: "You'd have to screw both of them, you can't break up a set!"
by jsd9632 January 21, 2012
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