6 definitions by jordanar150

It is a another word for a joint. Used in big lez show's brown town song by Jarad Wright
He lit the doobsken and I smelt it from 10 metres away.
by jordanar150 September 7, 2021
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Spenis is a term given to a person who's a sick cunt. Spenis' are sigma as fuck and are cool and awesome to be around. There IQ is higher then Albert Einstein and they become millionaires really quick. Spenis is sigma and only pulls 10s which he then uses to make him money. Fuck everyone get money says Spenis.
Spenis will knock u out cunt
by jordanar150 March 29, 2023
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Callum's are very sickcunts that prefer the outdoors over a screen. They are liked along many people and make the best out of any situation. Callum's are strong and know how to fight. Many Callum's are gym rats and do sick stuff.
Callum that sickcunt
by jordanar150 September 7, 2021
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Bede is the fattest guy you will ever meet. He has no necks whatsoever and eats food all the time. He is smart and can name every restaurant in the whole world. Also known as gay in Viatnamese.
by jordanar150 August 26, 2021
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Grace's tend to be close friends around guys and struggle with friend groups. Grace's tend to have bad relationship history but are very stupid. Grace's tend to be bullied in groups alot and be referred to as disabled. Grace's also are very stupid and have small friends group to which they stick to and stay. Grace's tend to give ugly people chances to date them but still mess it up.
Grace is almost as disabled as Riley.
by jordanar150 September 7, 2021
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This is a common name for a ranga who tries to be top shit. Riley's tend to have small glow ups that don't make differences in their life. They are able to pull girls but at the same time they don't know how to maintain a relationship. Riley's are mostly tall and idiotic.
by jordanar150 August 28, 2021
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