7 definitions by joelh

To have yourself confined to a space smaller than what is needed to accommodate you comfortably, usually referring to when you're lying on the couch and you're unable to stretch all the way out because your head and feet press against the armrests.
dude: "Seriously, I'm done feeling bookended by this couch. I'm getting a new one."
by joelh March 25, 2008
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In a car, a seat heater that roasts your ass to the point where you think your cheeks are going to melt together.
friend - "Holy crap, dude, my new car has seat warmers, and they're total butt-welders!"
by joelh January 3, 2008
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A person's uber-personal space that should only be occupied by someone they are having committed and consensual relations with.
dude: "dude, please relax and step back out of my sex zone. Unless we're both married and neked, you should not be here in my sex zone."
by joelh July 11, 2008
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To be firmly committed to a decision, preference, opinion, affiliation, etc. This phrase is actually most commonly used in the negative to imply one's flexibility on a subject or lack of staunchness for a particular decision.
dude 1: "Anyone have a preference were we go for dinner?"

dude 2: "Let's go to Wendy's. Not that I'm married to the idea, but a frosty sounds real good right now."

dude 1: "Wendy's it is!"
by joelh April 29, 2008
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A person who is prejudiced towards people they think are goofy / less mature.
dude: "Seriously, stop being such a goofist and just let other people have fun being who they are."
by joelh October 2, 2008
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A comment left on a blog by a reader. These comments are usually short and relate to the specific content and context of their associated blog entry.
dude: "Hey, man, just left you an awesome blogment. Feel free to read at your leisure."
by joelh April 14, 2008
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A ginormous poo, larger and more fierce than a regular bowel movement, one that leaves you slightly dazed and a little lighter.
dude: "Holy crap, I just dropped a doozy duce!"
by joelh March 18, 2008
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