1 definition by jlowsubmarine

The act of taking all of the credit, but none of the blame. Much like Belgian football "trainer" Marc Wilmots.
"It's all thanks to my driving lessons that you got your driver's licence last week, but the fact you ran over six toddlers on their bicycles yesterday is entirely your own fault." "Fuck you man, quit your wilmotsing, you're to blame as well!"

"Wow Linda, this goat cheese salad looks absolutely delicious." "Thanks Demetrius! I made it all by myself!" "But wait Linda, there seems to be a chunk of excrement on my goat's cheese ..." "Oh, that has to be my husband's fault, he bought the cheese." "Fuck you Linda, you're wilmotsing like a motherfucker right now."
by jlowsubmarine July 12, 2016
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