1 definition by jksjjksdjs

- culinary and theatre kids are straight up dumb
- music kids are geniuses that are good at nothing else but - you guessed it - music
- science kids have no life
- med kids don't talk much in class but they're always up your ass in real life
- engineering kids... what?
- business kids are the biggest snakes you'll ever meet
- comp sci kids are just anti-social guys whose names you might know bc they never talk in/out of class. they're those kids in high school movies that are pushed into lockers for no reason

everyone hates guidance and thinks it's a joke. everyone complains about their teachers. white kids complain about asian kids and asian kids complain about white kids. there are some asians that are in white friend groups but they get shit talked by the other asians (mostly just korean kids shitting on each other). you're either smart if you can get good grades or dumb if you can't keep up with the rest of the class. when you raise your hand and say the wrong answer everyone laughs at you. everyone cheats but the ones that get caught are for some reason lower than the rest of the devil reincarnates of this shit school

oh yeah, and some spanish teacher was on the news for being racist, *apparently*
"what school are you from?"
"oh, then you must be smart, right?"
"no, I'm in culinary"
by jksjjksdjs February 10, 2019
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