2 definitions by jinxjax

When your hair is been taken over and becomes unruly causing knots and causing horrible unspeakable things to happen to one's hair like how the nazis cause havoc .
Wow the hair knotzes have done a number on your hair
The hair knotzes make brushing my hair.... grrrr I hate knots HAIR KNOTZES
by jinxjax January 10, 2020
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Surprisingly out of this realm of such sorts.
Kid friendly way with a 80s twist of say no fucking way .... shut the front door

Or a good shag ...

Fraggle Rock an epic 80s TV show you never know what will happen down in fraggle rock
Well Fraggle my rock you don't say. (Mind blown)

After a good shag- you fraggled my rock
by jinxjax January 9, 2020
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