147 definitions by jimmybomm

This is when someone touches a girls pussy through their pants.
guy 1: Man do you see that hot girl over there? guy 2: I sure do. Man you aint gonna get any pussy from her. guy 1: Really cuz the other night I got some pants pussy from her. guy 2: Wow your lucky.
by jimmybomm June 14, 2020
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Children new to going poop on the toilet usually say this. Its usually followed up by "come and wipe me" until their taught how to wipe themselves.
little joey: I'm all done, come and wipe me. mom: Okay I'm coming.
by jimmybomm June 27, 2020
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The banning of a person from things because they have not got the covid 19 vaccination.
What is going on with this world? Now countries are using unvax bans on people for not getting vaccinated. The people who are vaccinated are still getting and spreading covid to others. How dare they treat unvaccinated people like they are the cause of this pandemic. What about natural immunity?
by jimmybomm January 18, 2022
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This refers to all who don't think its important to wear a mask during the covid19 pandemic. They are slow witted, selfish and refuse to wear a mask thinking they aren't gonna get the virus. They have no clue how the virus works and its possible they are the carriers spreading the virus to others. Not everyone has signs and symptoms so wear a mask.
guy 1: Would you look at all those covid halfwits walking around in the grocery store not wearing a mask. guy 2: I see them. They could care less that they are infecting others and keeping the virus alive.
by jimmybomm May 2, 2020
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This refers to the covid shot that U.S. president Biden is trying to make mandatory for U.S. citizens because as he put it " He's lost patients with the American people". Does anyone really know what's in the shot? Maybe cancer?
Thanks president Biden now thousands of U.S. citizens that don't want the covid jab have to worry about loosing their jobs. I guess the front line workers who have natural immunity or have had covid don't mean shit anymore. Come on U.S. Supreme court do the right thing and make it unconstitutional. Watch YouTube video " Sen. Ron Johnson with families on adverse reactions to covid vaccine".
by jimmybomm September 23, 2021
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The fingers used to hold toilet paper to wiping your ass after taking a dump. If you also use wet wipes your ass won't be stinking.
Guy 1: Man did you wash your wiping fingers after you took a shit? Guy 2: I only do that if my fingers smell like shit after wiping. Guy 1: That's nasty bro. You need to wash them every time after.
by jimmybomm July 12, 2021
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This means your ass is stinky because of poor wiping. It's best to use a wet wipe then you won't be stinking like shit.
Joe has got a stinky bottom because he refuses to use wet wipes. He's constantly sticking his fingers in his butt crack doing a stink check then trying to get others to smell them.
by jimmybomm December 25, 2020
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