2 definitions by jim frowning

Getting a hotdog instead of a burger.
Jones: I just bought a burger but they gave me a hotdog!

Charles: Man, you just bought a scamburger!
by jim frowning September 25, 2020
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Name of the biggest nerd in existence. This kid beat you on every single test by at least 20% each time. While you were being bottle fed watching my little pony, Timmy was solving the worlds hardest math problems. He outshines you in every area and probably will go to Harvard. He flexes his muscles on you because he is 3x more athletic. He has 10x the amount of friends that you do. Massive alpha male and constantly steals your women. He knows more about coding than there is to know. Not only is Timmy the smartest person you’ll ever meet, he’s also one of the nicest. Gives better advice than your grandmother. Enjoys cookies in his free time.
Charlie: Yo guess who won the national spelling bee?

Simon: Oh, I bet it was Timmy.

Charlie: Did I mention he was also nominated valedictorian?
by jim frowning November 7, 2020
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