97 definitions by jeNN

Someone who constantly uses google.com to find pictures of strange looking babies.
Yeah, what a baby googler. She has this one picture of a baby with protruding eyeballs jumping out of a bathtub.
by jeNN January 13, 2005
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-An inept, foolish, or contemptible person.

-Male sex organ.

"Do you want to see my cockazoid?"
"You are the biggest cockazoid I've ever met."
by jeNN March 15, 2004
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Tossing someone's salad who it totally obsessed with Billie Dee Williams while drinking a Colt 45.
We were watching Star Wars and then all of the sudden she gave me the Millennium Falcon.
by jeNN August 16, 2004
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1. After my boyfriend bought me my favorite movie, I gave him lots of cheekmuahs.

2. person one: *hug*
person two: *cheekmuahs*
by jeNN March 13, 2005
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diarrhea that is so powerful, explosive, and often times painful that it breaks all normal standards of fecal expulsion.
"I drank 30-pack of beast ice last night and boy do I have mega-rrhea"
by jeNN December 10, 2004
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a joint that has more tobacco in it than marijuana. it is the opposite of a "spliph" (a joint with tobacco).
"holy shit that's a fat philps!"

"we're so damn poor we had to roll a philps."
by jeNN December 5, 2004
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A demonic pedophile in power who humiliates little girls on video tape, and shows it to all his boys, but is stupid enough to incriminate himself and look at the camera, so the FBI can take him down while Karma and Nemisis tear him into pieces.
"hey little girl......wanna be in my next video? I can help enhance your singing career....."
by jeNN May 27, 2004
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