394 definitions by j

hmmm, notice metalica gets more of a rap then the actual metallica

and we all know that metallica made some of the best music this pathetic world has ever heard... apart from their most recent album, but we just pretend that it never happened.
why abuse the ones that started music in its most finest artistic talent... abuse the ones that dislike it, Low mans lyric all the way...
by j April 1, 2005
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Brilliant band from Cellbridge, County Kildare. Used to be bandmates of damien rice absolutely brilliant band!!
"Have you heard the new Bell x1 single? It's really good!"
by j April 9, 2005
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Some One Who shakes the spear or pulls the pork, wacks the wang, Jerks The Gerkin(usally used to make fun of gay people)
Fred is a spearshaker he shakes Bills spear all night
by j December 10, 2003
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The first incarnation of Naraku, she appears to be a little girl with white cloths, hair and glazed over eyes. She is a demonic empty vessel,so she has no soul or emotions. This makes her seem really scary, about the scariest villian in the show Inuyasha. She attacks with a mirror that can also absorb the souls of her others, a favorite pastime of hers. Unlike her younger sister Kagura, She is very loyal to her father/master Naraku.
by j April 23, 2005
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said 'braass' as opposed to 'brarse'

When something is of terrible quality
"Yo blad dem creps are brass blad, allow dem Hi-Tech creps blad"
by j December 4, 2006
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