3 definitions by irene-o

Music invented by crack-snorting wheeler-dealers and bored kids from the suburbs with no musical taste.
Usually involes too many turntables and not a lot of talent.
Also much whining and poserish head-banging is necessary.
God I hate Korn. They're nothing but a bunch of eyeliner-wearing, talentless nu-metal fucks.
by irene-o November 8, 2003
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the super-raddinest band in the world!! they like to sing about worms and twoheaded cats.
my friends think the aquabats are annoying and it makes me very angry.
by irene-o November 8, 2003
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A lucky slacker multi-millionaire. Rarely has more talent than you or me
by irene-o November 8, 2003
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