1 definition by imnotsad123

Ramapo High School is located in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. They are very know for their large amounts of weed consumed. When walking in the bathroom, many slutty dressed girls are seen smoking substances and hitting their nic. They are also quite known for their variety of alc that is often consumed at Po’s football games. They are rich af and spend daddy’s money all the time. You often see them driving to school in their nice ass Tesla’s and Mercedes. The Ramapo staff is quite disliked by the students. They often suspend them for doing stupid sh*t. Anyways, Po is mainly known for their sports like football because the students don’t really have it all up there when it comes to academics. Overall, Ramapo High School (Ramahoe) is a very intresting school with some interesting students.
Brad: Hey, what’s the theme for the Ramapo football game tonight?
John: Black out so make sure you are actually blacking out when you arrive to the game.
by imnotsad123 October 31, 2022
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