2 definitions by ifyouknowthenyouknowifnotsorry

Sidney is the nicest fucking person you will ever meet. Although she can be stubborn, and can take things more serious then needed, she’s the kindest person you know, by far. she’s got that biggest heart, and just wants people to listen instead of putting her opinion to the side. sidney has the lips of a fucking GOD. she has beautiful long brown hair, and green eyes. she may be insecure about herself at times, but everyone knows that she is an angel on earth. she keeps me sain, and loves to put people in their place. sidney will be your friend for years, and she’s hard to grasp hold of when it comes to love. but if you do somehow manage to get her to like/love you back, hold onto her. you can’t give up so easily if you want sidney in your life. keep her close. you’ll never find someone more special then her.
sidney is the only person who understands my problems.
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god, i have no words to describe this man. everything about him is perfect, his smile, his laugh, when he blushes after you compliment him. he’s got the biggest heart, even if he doesn’t show it that often. he’s very sweet and very romantic if given the chance. Dylan treats girls the way they deserve. and he respects that you need space, cause he does too. when dylan is happy, he decides that he wants to spread his happiness to the other people around him. he’s very kinky, but will never admit to it. His biggest kink, though, is daddy. dylan is the biggest softy, and has the most beautiful eyes in the world. although he has a very crude sense of humor, he isn’t always that horrific when he jokes. i love dylan, more then i can explain.
dylan treats every girl with respect, and won’t be afraid to fuck anyone up for you.
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