2 definitions by iamnotwhoyouthinkiamlmao

The Object Show Community.
The OSC is a community who like and/or make object shows. (For example, Battle for Dream Island.) Though a huge portion of the OSC is filled with little kids (some we like to call OSCTards), and drama tends to stir up frequently, it's still a fun community to be in. It gives aspiring animators, voice actors, artists, and authors alike a chance to get their work out there and improve their skills alongside fellow members of the community.
"I apologize for my previous definition, the OSC is really cool and I'm happy to be a part of it."

*someone's twitter name is 'insertnamehere (BFB 16!!!)'*
"OSC Twitter back at it again with their BFB hype train!"
by iamnotwhoyouthinkiamlmao March 21, 2020
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Someone in the OSC, usually a little kid, who is extremely impatient and toxic. They can't accept criticism and whine over every little thing they don't like, such as an episode of their favorite object show not being released. A lot of them also steal other people's content, sometimes for their own profit.
Could also refer to someone who has a bad reputation in the OSC for things such as content theft, sexual harassment, bullying, etc.

Basically, an absolute idiot everyone should stay away from.
"For not releasing bfb 13 in 3 months, I am unsubscribing you and reporting your latest video"

"Okay OSCtard"
by iamnotwhoyouthinkiamlmao March 16, 2019
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