3 definitions by hittaJ

What the past left behind for us. The time we are living in right now is therefore a present from the past.
Person 1: Why is it called the present?
Person 2: Because everything we see is a present from the past
by hittaJ March 20, 2017
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A place where gangsters think they will go when they die. Only true gangsters make it here. A gangter's paradise.
Folk 1: Damn bruh i dont know bout doing this, i might get killed
Folk 2: Chill out bruh, if anything bruh you'll be in gangster heaven
by hittaJ March 15, 2017
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West side of Homestead, FL where all the goons and savages are at. Full of Mexicans, guns, drugs, and bums. Completely different from the East side of Homestead with the Town Houses.
Person 1: Homestead? Ha that place is for pussies.
Person 2: That's the East side, slide to Goonstead and see wassup!
person 1 visits Goonstead and never comes back out
by hittaJ March 21, 2017
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