1 definition by hiplandia

A person who believes (1) they are too unique to exist, and (2) they are not a hipster, or (3) they are a hipster, but only because of the irony.

Detests Corporate America, except when it benefits them., eg., their Ebay vintage store, or their collection of iProducts used to update their EBay vintage store. Loves and/or hates bands you will never hear of. Lives in, or wants to move to, an urban conclave of hipsters, even though, when asked, that's NOT where they live or want to live.

Feels that the majority of everything in society sucks, except for their world view, which is actually nothing more than their self-created narcissistic oasis, and which consists primarily of their obsession with their genitals/libido, and other hipsters they let in their club.

Very similar to pre-pubescent Goths and Indies, but older, and with better self esteem and different fashion. Is basically unattractive, yet maintains the hipster mystique because it somehow gets them just enough random sex to maintain the hipster mystique. Does/doesn't click to review this definition because of the irony.
"OK fine, I AM a hipster, but only because it's mainstream to say I'm NOT and definitions are just labels that society puts on reality", grabs iPad, storms out of fair market vegan taquito joint, lights an American Spirit, and rides fake vintage cruiser home to loft above indie used bookstore in the Mission.
by hiplandia July 7, 2013
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