11 definitions by grimly fiendish

Unit of measurement used in determining the flammability of a church.
Free-thinking neopagan: "This one should light up pretty quick guys. It's only got a score of 3.2 on the Burzum scale."
by grimly fiendish April 14, 2020
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Solving problems and overcoming obstacles by thinking like a kid.
Dude, how did you ever figure that out? Simple, I used kidology.
by grimly fiendish August 30, 2015
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Taking a dump in someone else's toilet and intentionally not flushing.
Honey, have you met the new neighbors yet? Yep, they invited me over and I left them a burbalang!
by grimly fiendish August 30, 2015
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What a redneck calls Darth Vader due to his/her limited vocabulary.
On "Valantimes" day, Bobby Earl come over and fixed my "chimley". Then we snorted sum "oxycottons" and watched that movie with "Dark Vader". I think it's called "Star Track"
by grimly fiendish July 19, 2015
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