1 definition by goodluck24

A high school located in Winnetka, IL (a northern berb of Chicago). The best way to describe it is a school consisting of 5,000 over-achievers. Home to a great music and preforming arts program, great sports teams, and over 100 clubs, every student is involved in something. The average ACT score is a 25 (compared to the national average of 18). there are a lot of kids that have been admitted to Ivy league schools and most of the senior class finds that they end up at U of I. Don't hate, its just how it is...
Average New Trier conversation: "Dude I'm in 5 AP classes and head of the debate team, what you got?"

"I am student body president and going to MIT, what up?"
by goodluck24 May 3, 2010
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