3 definitions by glammaniac

Get The Fuck Outta My Head

When trying to get over somebody, you discover your mind repeatedly takes you back to them, so you'll probably find yourself screaming/grunting 'GTFOMH!'.
girl#1 - Heyy! Movie started yet?
girl#2 - You're just in time.
girl#1 - Did you say Justin time?
girl#2 - Ugh, don't do this.
girl#1 - Shittt, I know, Get the fuck out of my head!!!

by glammaniac March 23, 2009
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So much more than 'a lot' that it requires you to pause in the middle of the word, breathe and emphasize it.

Typically you'll say 'lohot' because you started saying 'lot' and realized halfway that it was not big enough so you'll pull 'lohot' to make your point.
- That's a lot of vodka you're putting in your apple juice
- Apple juice? Try whiskey
- That's a LOHOT of slosh you're putting in yourself
by glammaniac February 28, 2009
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