3 definitions by generalofnerdia

When you are in love with someone who barely thinks about you and will eventually forget about you. It is a reference to the Bret Easton Ellis novel The rules of attraction in which the character of Lauren is madly in love with Victor a boy she dated last year who is now in Europe. She is afraid to comtact him throughout the whole movie. The third act of the book he calls Lauren and it is revealed he was calling someone else and doesn't even remember Lauren.
Person 1: I just can't get him/her out of my mind.
Person 2: Dude it's never gonna happen. You're Waiting for Victor.
by generalofnerdia January 2, 2019
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A unit of time equal to an hour and thirty minutes.
Example 1:
I'm going to take a nap for about a shrek

Example 2:
Person 1: How long's the movie
Person 2: About a shrek
Person 1: Are we just watching shrek again
Person 2: ...Maybe...
by generalofnerdia March 11, 2018
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Man you should've seen Betsy last night. She is such a rain barrel.
by generalofnerdia November 3, 2018
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