1 definition by fuccthgirles

PPAP stands for Pen Pineapple Apple Pen/
it is a cringy song by Japanese comedian Piko Taro.
i have a pen/ i have an apple/ UGNUGNUNNHH/ apple pen!/ i have a pen/ i have pineapple/ UGHNNGHNUN/ pineapple pen/ apple pen/ pineapple pen/ UGHNNGHN/ pen pineapple apple pen!
the secret meaning is this:
the apple or pineapple is the v***** and the pen is the pen** and the UGHUGNNGHGNN is the s*x
Bob: hey, dude, have you heard PPAP?
Dude: yes, it is so cringy it PP'd my AP
by fuccthgirles November 30, 2016
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