3 definitions by floridaman202069

The god to reign supreme above all.
FloridaMan:I am god bow down ,heed my commands and peace and prosperity shall run through the root's of the land
sane humans: yes my lord
by floridaman202069 June 3, 2020
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being so embroiled with rage you pop an artery an blood starts gushing out of your orifices.
by floridaman202069 June 2, 2020
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he is not a real person he is a voice impersonating of a 20 year old gangster with a up and coming rap career but is just 13 year old white kid with an abnormally deep voice.
me: you heard of that guy jermiah ''get this money'' freeman ?
friend:aint that you?
by floridaman202069 June 2, 2020
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