23 definitions by fartknocker101

an equivalent name to the very common "John Doe" but in redneck form, due to a Dodge being a truck mostly used by rednecks
Christian: "What's that kid's name?"

Adam: "I don't know, let's just call him John Dodge."
by fartknocker101 January 7, 2010
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A family relation in which someone is a brother and a nephew at the same exact time biologically: when a man has two kids with a mother and a daughter, or when a woman has two kids with a father and son; the brephew being the result of the one person and the younger generation (having the kid with the son or daughter) as related to the bruncle or aunster.
My brephew Chuck is comin' over to visit. Ma' Pa is his Gramps, and we have the same Ma. Yep', livin' in good ole Kentucky sher is fuuunn.
by fartknocker101 December 22, 2009
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