1 definition by existential dread

Non-premium, ad-free version of LGBTQ+ service.
the LGBTQ free package only includes 4 labels to choose from (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans) plus 2 hidden easter eggs for new users to discover (Queer/Questioning). Pansexual, intersex and other options can be unlocked through the paid LGBTQ+ subscription, or otherwise through the 'Queer' easter egg.

Benefits of the free version:

- various unlockable NPCs, like Alan Turing, Marcel Proust, Tchaikovsky and Lenin's polyamorous communist girlfriends, Inessa Armand and Nadezhda Krupskaya
- no bonus posters of Marquis de Sade, Rasputin, and Nero, destroyer of Rome, which will only clutter your bedroom and invite criticism & unwanted questions from guests.

- no bonus framed Tumblr fanart of LGBTQ historical figures and therefore

- no need to explain to your Greek relatives why you have a portrait of fanart of Alexander the Great, a controversial Macedonian, hanging up in your bedroom.
- no bonus antique wallpaper of Erich Honecker and Leonid Brezhnev sharing a kiss in 1979, in celebration of the ten-year anniversary of Stonewall

- still lots of kinky fun available for the adventurous at no additional price

Brenda: I'm thinking of upgrading my subscription plan from LGBTQ to LGBTQ+.
Riley: No need Brenda, I already bought the bootlegged version when I was travelling *wink*

Kid at the supermarket: Mum, can we get LGBTQ+?

Kid's mum: No, we have LGBTQ at home already.

Kid: But I want LGBTQ+.

Kid's mum: Be quiet and go read some Elsa x Anna fanfiction instead.
by existential dread January 10, 2022
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