27 definitions by erika

An urbanized and supposedly cool way of saying, "That's the way the cool crumbles." Mostly used by perverted pre-pubescent boys who think the quote is sexual.
"Aw man, I just got a D on my math test.." "That's the way the pickle squirts dude."
by erika June 1, 2004
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A FPS game made by Epic Megagames as a multiplayer version of the game Unreal.
In Unreal Tournament, the InstaGib Rifle and Redeemer r0x0rz my b0x0rz
by erika January 20, 2004
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something a person says when they have no better come-backs
susy: bob-you're fat.. lose weight
bob: i weigh less than you do!
susy: psh.....
by erika October 13, 2003
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someone who isnt origional and takes another persons idea.
that hard cause being a biter isnt bad... you could buy a pair of shoes.. and lets say your friend buys some too.. that makes her a bither but what happens when the whole school buys them?? i mean come on life goes on.. people are stupid and make big deals out of shit ... i mean worry about youself stupid hoes
by erika December 13, 2002
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Extremely disgusting, especially with reference to filthy objects or areas.
The bottom of the trash can is disgustipating!
by erika September 24, 2003
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A good emo-indie band that I happen to enjoy. Includes 5 guys fron Kansas.
by erika November 4, 2003
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A combination of Cunt & Tart.
They seemed to flow well together and it kinda taked the edge off calling someone a cunt.
Erika, quit bein such a cunt tart!
by erika January 9, 2004
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