2 definitions by ends....

A fat Indian sportsman (or from any country with roti as an ethnic dish) who is over-rated at what he does, and is also fat. Comes from the fact that eating too much roti tends to make you fat.
Friend 1: Wow this indian team is a bigg waste

Friend 2: Yeah, look at number 69, he's soooo overrotied
by ends.... January 31, 2012
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In First person shooter games like Call of Duty, it is the act of signing off and signing back on when you are doing terrible. Also known as rage quitting. The "Indian Parent" comes from the fact that parents who are Indian tend to have alot of rage.
Yo you're 3-20 man steup your game up!!

Ya man, I think im gonna Indian Parent Quit
by ends.... November 22, 2011
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