5 definitions by emotionaldamage1234

Charli D'amelio is a TikTok star. She has over 125 million followers. She has a fandon called Dunkins which are called after her favourite place Dunkin' Donuts. Half of her fandon is non-toxic while the other half is toxic.
A: Did you see Charli's new video
B: Yes! I love her!

Charli D'amelio is the kindest person on earth
by emotionaldamage1234 February 11, 2022
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A toxic fanpage who is also a anti-dunkins.She hates them so much that she sends them death threats.
A:do you know addisonhugefan?
B:Yea shes toxic
by emotionaldamage1234 March 8, 2022
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Emotional Damage is a word by Steven He.It means a highly unpleasant emotional reaction as distress or humiliation or anger, which result from another action or behavior.
A:Ur as useless and the ueue in queue.
by emotionaldamage1234 March 8, 2022
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