25 definitions by eighth of seven

A description of a woman wearing tight and/or revealing clothing, with (un)suitable hair, makeup, shoes and jewellry, making her appear like a prostitute seeking clients.

The term does not imply that she actually is a working girl, merely that she is dressed blatantly to attract men; it can be used perjoratively by other women about somneone they assess as better dressed or more attractive than themselves - the object of their ire does not necessarilty look sleazy or cheap.

"Oh my God, look at Kitty ! I mean, boots, fishnets and a miniskirt ?"

"That bitch is dressed for trade, you'd better get Mike out of here, they used to date and she's obviously on the prowl again."
by eighth of seven April 9, 2009
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White sugar; can be applied to salt, brown sugar, sweetener, but most usually to white sugar, on the basis that "everything" - sugar, sweetener, coffee, red meat, water, oxygen and light will cause cancer (eventually).

Taking all available information into account, the only way to avoid dying of cancer is to forswear all food and drink, and shut yourself in an airtight lead box. You won't die of cancer. You will still die, and quite quickly, but it won't be of cancer.
"Coffee's done. Milk and sugar ?"

"No milk, but gimme two spoons of cancer crystals".
by eighth of seven February 6, 2010
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All systems wound up beyond the safe limit; literally, the needle on an analog dial has gone right round the dial, so far round that it's hit the peg marking the Zero poistion from the back.

Also known as redlining.
"I got the job done, but I was pegging the gauge by the end."
by eighth of seven January 7, 2007
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A low-grade worker; a peon. A dumb person doing a dumb job, often in retail, food service, or warehousing.

"I'll get a couple of carbon units to come round tonight and take that junk away."

"One of the carbon units in Goods Inwards tripped over a cable and smashed his arm. "
by eighth of seven January 14, 2007
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