12 definitions by e-bag

Someone who achieves the extra unecessary achievements, but does them in a half-ass fashion.
Patrick decided to be an Over-Under Achiever when he went the extra mile to do his extra credit, even though he already had a 103 percent in his english class. This project was done in a very UNorderly fashion. The rough draft write-up ended up having its title 'rough draft' erased and then replaced with 'Final Project'.
by e-bag March 30, 2010
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Just finishing up from a blow job the male squeezes the remaining seamen from his penis into the girls mouth.
She said that last bit of seamen was quite zesty, then an enormous smile grew on my face. I then sneakingly turned to my night stand and checked off Drizzling Delight, it was right next to Alligator Fuckhouse.
by e-bag April 19, 2009
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The sound you make when you spit hairs out of your mouth.
I forgot to shave my down stairs this morning so she was pth'ing the rest of the day.
by e-bag April 21, 2009
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Someone who has as much plad clothing as they do plain T's or normal T's in general
Dylan wears a new fucking plad long-sleeve every fucking week. Its annoying as hell because he's my friend and I have to be seen with his plad whore ass.
by e-bag December 24, 2009
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when you call/text/shout out to a buddy to tell them about a situation or about your day that consisted of you being a prick.
Tiffany: Hey Gabe :) (Gabewalking to his locker and this tease comes up and links arms with him)
Gabe: Don't fucking touch me...bitch
Tiffany: What the hell? Gabe seriously..whats your problem?
Gabe: You?! Now please, get away from me..
(While Tiffany storms off, Gabe walks behind Tiffanys quicker pace very satisfied of his Prickness)

After school he calls his bro dylan to give him a PRICK UPDATE, and rants on about how she will always comeback for more because of how much she want his 'D'.

Dylan then gives Gabe a PRICK UPDATE.
by e-bag November 10, 2009
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