10 definitions by dude007

Another word for iPod, but this way, Zen owners can be happy and shoot iPod owners then hold hands and jump into the grand canyon wearing jump cams in their hats to capture the fall on live Suicide TV, but iWon't jump cause iHave a Zen V Plus, SO I'M FUCKIN SPESHUL, OK!?
iTurd are peice of shit excuses to get away from your fucked up family fights in your mobile trailer home with stolen cable TV to watch the Suicide Channel so you can watch all the cool people jump into the grand canyon cuz ur retarded!
by dude007 July 21, 2008
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A person who says dude in every sentance they say.
dude007 is Dudeist
by dude007 August 3, 2008
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A wrestler in the WWE who hides out under the ring while his dad, Finley kicks ass. When the match is about 5-10 minutes in, he comes out and sprays the other dude with a water gun out hits them with a long shalele in the head,knocking them out behind the ref.

Career Highlights: Cruiserweight Champion
by dude007 July 29, 2008
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