2 definitions by dsfgbjdsfhsdfhiodsfoisdhfi

The only good thing about Skyrim.. no seriously, you know it.
Fighty moron getting in your face? FUS RO DAH!!!
Some jackass tryin to steal your girl? FUS RO DAH!!
Wife left the kitchen? FUS RO DAH!!
Pet dragon misbehaving? FUS RO DAH!!

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
by dsfgbjdsfhsdfhiodsfoisdhfi November 25, 2011
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To act like an obnoxious, conceited, egotistical, unfunny, sexually abusive attention whore who thinks he's god's gift to women.

However it may also refer to the act of claiming that anything stupid that someone does was merely a 'social experiment'.
"Dude, don't pull a 'Sam Pepper' on me. Confess your sins"
by dsfgbjdsfhsdfhiodsfoisdhfi September 26, 2014
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