1 definition by doyouevenparty

The college graduates who are matriculating at the worst time, probably ever, certainly the worst time in the past 15 years. They had only one good fun normal semester, freshman year, spent the rest in the chaos of COVID masks and lockdowns where it was basically illegal to be a social human, and are going to graduate in the worst recession in the past 15 years, probably will see pay-cuts before they see pay raises, fewer job opportunities, and higher borrowing costs.
"The Class of 2023 got so effed, probably even worse than the class of 2008."

"How was college? What are you going to do when you graduate?"
"Well, dating and social life pretty much sucked bc of COVID, my study abroad got canceled, and now I can't find a job."
by doyouevenparty October 2, 2022
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